
Expose dwg attributes (converted from esri annotation layer)

  • 26 September 2018
  • 2 replies


I have a DWG group file with labeling texts converted from esri Annotation group layers. When I open the DWG file in ArcMap, I can see featuerID(not system ID, but ties to original feature that was labeled), horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment fields. But when I bring it to FME, I can not expose these attributes. I have tried different things such as, change parameters to attributeschema etc., but I still can not see these attributes. Is there anyway I can do this?


2 replies


The attributes probably have different names than what you are seeing in ArcMap. Try opening the dataset in FME Data Inspector. When adding the dataset, under Parameters, set `Group Entities By` to `Attribute Schema`. Then select a feature once the data has been read in, and check for the various attributes.

If the attributes are not visible in the Data Inspector, then FME is not reading them at all.

Once you find the attributes you need, you can expose them in Workbench by using an AttributeExposer.

The attributes probably have different names than what you are seeing in ArcMap. Try opening the dataset in FME Data Inspector. When adding the dataset, under Parameters, set `Group Entities By` to `Attribute Schema`. Then select a feature once the data has been read in, and check for the various attributes.

If the attributes are not visible in the Data Inspector, then FME is not reading them at all.

Once you find the attributes you need, you can expose them in Workbench by using an AttributeExposer.

Thanks for your reply Ryan. I tried all that and it didn't work. But I figured out if I load dwg in ESRIMSD format, all attributes I need showed up.
