
Converting many ESRI features to JSONs

  • 16 March 2018
  • 1 reply

I'm new to FME.

I have a text file listing about 90 features from an ESRI enterprise geodatabase. I want to convert each listed feature from the geodatabase to its own geojson file. What's the most efficient way to do this? The only way I've found is to make a separate reader and writer one at a time in workbench, which isn't ideal. Is it possible to have FME read the text file to get the parameter names then make readers and writers from that, perhaps using python?

1 reply

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Hi @karen_1407,

I suspect what you are looking for is a dataset fanout. On your writer located in the navigator, there is an option for a Dataset Fanout. If you click this, it will allow you to make a file name expression, which will write out a new file for each feature. A simple way to do this would be to add a counter and have your expression be 'jsonfile_@Value(_count).json'. This would use the _count attribute(created by the counter) and append that value to the name of each file. That would result in a jsonfile_1, jsonfile_2, etc.

Here is an article that may provide more details and tips:
