
SDE Writer - Existing Table Error ('-2147216061')

  • 9 January 2017
  • 5 replies

Badge +1

I'm using the Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDE Geodb) writer to try to inset features into an existing feature class but when I do I get a fatal error saying that the table already exists ('-2147216061'). The error text in the log begins, "An error occurred while attempting to create the feature class...".

Why is it trying to re-create the feature class when it knows that I imported it when I added the writer?


Writer Mode: UPDATE (Tested INSERT and got same results)

Transaction Type: Transactions

Feature Class Settings - Drop Table: No / Truncate Table: Yes

FME: 2016.1.2.1

ArcGIS: 10.3.1

SDE Database: 10.4.0 (non-versioned)


5 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +16

Seems like this should not happen.

I would send this one to

Badge +16

truncating the table and trying to update the same table is not a good combo, since you need to specify on what to update ( unique ID).

Is it possible that the table is locked?

Badge +1

truncating the table and trying to update the same table is not a good combo, since you need to specify on what to update ( unique ID).

Is it possible that the table is locked?

Like I said, I tried using INSERT mode as well and that didn't work either. Both throw the identical error.



The table is not locked.



Userlevel 4
Badge +13

We see this error message when the schema or table qualifier has underscores in it. Changing the table qualifier to one without underscores will allow the translation to run successfully. If anyone has any other tips and fixes for this error, please add your comment!

Badge +5

We see this error message when the schema or table qualifier has underscores in it. Changing the table qualifier to one without underscores will allow the translation to run successfully. If anyone has any other tips and fixes for this error, please add your comment!

Is this the only idea on why this is occurring? I've used schemas and usernames with underscores for years and have only just recently run into this with a database that is at V10.2.2 esri. Otherwise, my specs are the same as the original posters.






