
How to set the color of an ifc object

Hi everyone, I'm currently doing my master thesis and transforming some data into IFC file... does anyone know how to apply the color parameters to an object ?

when I use the appearanceSetter, everything goes well and the result is ok in the inspector...

but it seems that the Ifc Writer doesn't know how to deal with this information because in the BIM Vision viewer the colors doesn't appears and if I check my IFC file, there is no line with "IFCSURFACESTYLERENDERING" which should exist to apply a color to an object

2 replies

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Hi @marionkannengie,

I am attaching a workspace illustrating how to set a color on an IFC Wall using the AppearanceSetter. You can also use the GeometryColorSetter transformer, which has a simpler interface.


Hi @DaveAtSafe,

it works well as soon as I use the appearanceSetter and set the attributes as traits really at the beginning of the definition of the object's geometry. I realized that if I put it after an aggregator it seems that it's not recognized when it arrives in the Ifc Writer. However, if I do an extrusion, define the color and then aggregate it's working well.

So thank you for the great help
