
How can I map XML element attributes?

I am trying to flatten an xml file which contains the following Elements



 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <elements total="877" num="877"> <element id="242698" v="2" pv="1" x="1109133" y="6970266" geom="POINT (9.9699121998145532 52.9278245931941953)" priority="0" type="99" approved="1" current="1" latest="1" date="2014-07-08 13:15:52" user="10" user_token="Friedrich"> <types> <type id="562"/> </types> <periods> <period id="32"/> </periods> <events> <event type="1" begin_prefix="~" begin_year="1790" end_prefix="~" end_year="1790"/> </events> <aspects> <a id="1" l="de" v="Alter Schafstall"/> <a id="2" p="5" code="6"/> <a id="3" p="10" code="3"/> <a id="39" l="de" v="Zehn "/> <a id="41" l="de" v="Zwischen"/> <a id="57" l="de" v="etwa 40m"/> </aspects> <relations/> <media> <medium id="79236"/> <medium id="79237"/> </media> </element> </elements>


It party works when I define the "elements to match" as <element> but the attributes in the <a> tag are not being flattened. They get translated into the "xml_fragments" field which contains xml-style code. I don´t understand where this "xml_fragments" comes from and would like simply map the attributes into their own fields like "" "a.l" or "a.v".



Could anyone explain to me what is going on here?

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Since there are multiple <a> elements under an <element>, those attributes will be flattened as structured list, like this.













This isn´t happening though. FME creates the field "xml_fragment" and basically inputs the whole xml file including the structural elements <, > / etc. I really don´t understand why this is happening! Any help would be appreciated.



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If you specify "element" to Elements to Match parameter, "a" and its attributes will be stored in structured list as I mentioned in my previous post.


As long as seeing your image, I guess that you've specified "a" to Elements to Match.



Anyway, when using Feature Paths as configuration type, the XML reader adds "xml_fragment" to the reader feature type by default. This attribute stores an element matched with specified element (i.e. "a" in this case) as an XML document.


I think there are no problems, just ignore if you don't need it.


If you don't want to extract "xml_fragment" anyhow, consider using xfMap instead of Feature Paths.
Thanks....but in my case then, why is the following list element empty?



 <a id="1" l="de" v="Alter Schafstall"/> 


As I understand it,  the element "v" which contains the text "Alter Schafstall" should be contained within the list a.v



Am I correct?



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"a.v" is an attribute, is not a list attribute.


Yes, "a.v" of the first feature should contain "Alter Schafstall".
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Connect an Inspector to the reader feature type and run the workspace. You can see how XML elements and attribute values are extracted.

OK...when I define "elements to match" as "a", then I obtain a table with the string "Alter Schaftstall" under element a.v! But when i the "element to match" is defined as element, then I expect aspect.a.v to include the string.  Looking at the XML Document, Element is the parent, and "aspects" and "a" are children and "v" is the attribute. So why can´t I get the string when I define "elements"?

Userlevel 2
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Because there are multiple <a> elements in an <elements> element. By default, the XML reader configures list attribute for multiple children which have same tag name.


Probably these list attributes occur in the reader feature type when you specify <elements> to Elements to Match.






and so on.



If this case, you will have to extract elements of the lists in the data flow after reading.


See here about lists.

