
Affiner: Cannot perform 3D affine transformation with coefficients

  • 17 March 2014
  • 3 replies




I'm trying to convert a number of CAD drawings into GIS. I have several alignment sheets with various vector layers and a raster layer embedded. About half of them load into FME no problem, but when I try to use the rest of the drawings as readers, I get the following error message:



Affiner: Cannot perform 3D affine transformation with coefficients (0.505085211587069, 0.863069481001412, 0, 0, -0.863069481001412, 0.505085211587069, 0, 0, 0, -0, 1, 0) on a raster.  Only 2D affine transformations are supported for rasters



I'm not actually interested in the raster data, only the vector data, but it won't let me even open the drawing in workbench or the data inspector to extract the vectors.



Any help greatly appreciated.






3 replies

Badge +3
..on risc of stating the obvious...can't you seperate the raster prior to feeding it to fme?



U did feed it to the 3Daffiner somehow. Why cant u put a geometryfilter on it to exctract geometry?





Hi Gio,



Thanks for the response, but unfortunately not. I don't have access to CAD software, and it seems the raster layer and the vector data are bundled up together in the same layer. FME is trying to apply the affiner (I'm not using the affiner transformer) when I run geometry coercer, but the proces fails.





Badge +3



Did u try a geometryfilter as first transformer on the Cad_reader? This transformer can separate the raster from the rest of the geometry.


As geometrycoercer does not function on rasters.



