
Leader line in MapTextLabeller

  • 21 November 2013
  • 1 reply

A label that is configured to be placed at the end of a line does not fit and is therefore placed with a leader line. The problem is that the leader line points at the middle of the line, not the end of the line.


Is it possible to configure the leader line to point at the end (or start) of the line that is labeled?

1 reply

Badge +14
You could have a go at using the AnchoredSnapper in End Point Snapper mode to try to snap your leader lines to the ends of the lines. That should work. If the lines you are snapping to though are short you may have problems snapping to the wrong end. In that case you may need to use the CoordinateExtractor to get the start x,y of the line (0) and the end (-1) use the 2DPointCreator to create points and then perhaps use the NeightbourFinder to spot the nearest end to then snap to.
