
Any way to stop overwriting Geometry



  My fme read a point feature having one point geometry.But when i use a text stroker, resultant geometry overwrites previous point geometry. If i create another point then textStroker do not work.


Same happens if i fetch wkt text from database and use geometryReplacer to create geometry, it also replaces old point.


This point is important. Is there any way to keep both geometries?






2 replies

you could load the coordinates into attributes before using the geometry replacer 


using the CoordinateExtractor



you could load the geometry itself into an attribute using Geometry Extractor



or you could use 2 connections with only one going into the geometry replacer and the other kept for whatever purpose you may need.  This will double the number of features in your workspace
Badge +3
Your text is a seperate entitiy.


If u want both u must output both seperately.



text, and label transformers output text.



As Windies95 said actually
