
Reading from xml with one to many relationships and writing to spreadsheet

I am trying to read an xml file with a nested structure and output the results to a spreadsheet. I am using an identifier (effectively a primary key) and a number of attributes for which each identifier may have none, one or more than 1 value for the other attributes. Using list exploder I have managed to get the right output for the identifiers with multiple values, and the rejected output contains the values I want for the rest of the identifiers, but when I try to direct the output to a single spreadsheet I get only the indentifiers from the rejected values, and none of the rest of the attribute values. What am I doing wrong?

2 replies


Hi @chrisi would you be able to share the worksapce here. I would be really interested to take a look, sharing your would also make it easier for other users to possibly answer your question.


Test victims.fmw I have uploaded the workspace, but I don't think that it will be much use to you without the source file. I cannot upload that now, as it contains a lot of personal data, and I am not able to spend time redacting it at the moment
