
Read Data Stored in Log Files?

  • 5 November 2018
  • 1 reply


Internal auditors are asking me whether any data that is read into FME via a reader is ever detailed in any log files. Does anyone know whether this ever happens? I'm assuming not, but thought it best to check.

This is not referring to statistical data that Safe may collect, but data sets we read into FME.

Thank you,


1 reply

Userlevel 4

The data that is entering the workspace through the readers is not normally echoed in the logs, no.

It's possible to do so e.g. with a properly configured Logger, but unless the data volume is fairly small, I wouldn't really recommend it.

There are some examples where processed data might be echoed in the logs, which is typically the case for certain warnings, rejected features etc. where the feature is dumped into the log. So if this is a security concern, then yes, there might be some data echoed in the logs.
