
HTTPCaller (PDF) write to MS SQL database

  • 29 January 2019
  • 1 reply


Is it possible to download a PDF file and then write that data to an MS SQL table?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I am able to download, using the below. However I am not able to write to SQL as VARBINARY(MAX).

Almost there....

1 reply

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FME SQL Server writer does not support the creation of a VARBINARY(MAX) in a feature type. However if you use the Microsoft SQL Server Non-Spatial (JDBC) writer it does support varbinary(MAX) as varbinary_max data type


If you are stuck with the SQL Server (ADO) version of the writer: create the table ahead of time (you could use SQLCreator/Executor), you should be able to write to that field OK. When you import the table your created as a feature type, FME will set the data type to 'image' but it seems to work OK.

If that is not working for you then adding a sample workspace to this question might help someone identify the problem
