
How to convert Atoll clutter/heights to Mentum Planet format?




I have MSI Planet data files [or maybe Asset] (index.txt and clutter/heights.bin), which i use for Atoll. I want to convert them in Vertical Mapper Grid file format (clutter.grc and heights.grd) for Mentum Planet.



I tried to use FME Desktop for converting, but when i import already converted clutter.grc and heights.grd files in Mentum Planet, it gives me like this error > Heights does not have a reference point (0,0). Clutter does not have a reference point (0,0).


Can any one help me about this issue?




2 replies

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@dancestorm FME does support Planet files - see the FME docs. If you're having trouble with the results perhaps send your workspace and sample data to our support team through

@dancestorm, I encountered this error once in Mentum Planet (Planet 5x) and I discovered that simply reprojecting the geodata solved the issue. So I will suggest you reproject the clutter and see if this solves the problem. You might need to go from Projection A (i.e. source projection) to B and then back to A. It does not matter if projection B is not the appropriate projection.

I hope this works for you. If this does not work, you might need to contact Infovista for assistance
