
Executing FME with COMMAND_LINE parameters

  • 24 September 2013
  • 3 replies

Sorry - this might be simplistic, but I'm trying to run fme from a command line providing a file with a workbench and a parameter specifying the search envelope to use when reading features.  My command file named cnp.cmd and contains this:



C:\\\\Projects\\\\FMEWorkbenchOutput\\\\test.fmw \\\\


--GEODATABASE_FILE_SEARCH_ENVELOPE 102991123 -5143701 103346900 -51186100



when I execute fme with:



fme COMMAND_LINE cmp.cmd



it executes the workbench (which exports data from an ArcGIS file geodatabase to an AutoCAD drawing) but it does not recognize the search envelope.   Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.










3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +17
Hi Ed,



Command line parameters have to be defined as Published Parameters in the workspace. Possible reasons are:


The parameter has not been published.


The parameter name in the command line doesn't match with the published parameter name defined in the workspace.



Userlevel 2
Badge +17
and the parameter values should be quoted by " " when there are white spaces in the value list.
Userlevel 4



the easiest is to run the workspace manually one time first. After the run, the very top of the log window will contain the exact syntax needed to run the workspace from the command line with the same parameters.



Also have a look at this FMEpedia article about batch processing.



