
How to get fractional seconds from gdb date-field


i have features in a ESRI FileGeodatabase with date-attributes and i need the fractional second.

I played around with the dateformatter-transformer, but i don't see a date format symbol for fractional seconds.

Any ideas to persuade fme reading the fractional seconds?

2 replies


Hi @thilo

you can probably handle your date values as a strings. Does FME read something like 201607261115263? If yes, you can use StringReplacer to replace first 12 characters with nothing

  • Text to Match: \\d{12}
  • Replacement Text:
  • Use Regular Expressions: Yes

or AttributeCreator to get the right three characters from the original values:

  • Attribute Value: @Right(@Value(_date),3)

Hi @LenaAtSafe,

replacing the first 12 characters gives only the seconds, but i need also the fractional part (something like this: 2015-03-23 10:23:45.213 => .213 , taken from DateFormatter Online-Help).

The Documentatiion of DateFormatter says, that the fractional seconds are not supported. I thought that that would be valid only if I use the DateFormatter and not in general.

A simple test-workspace (copy , duplicate reader on writer, gdb2gdb) shows, that the date-values are rounded to seconds, the fractional part are lost.
