
Error 8. Lost connection to server




I am passing records from Postgis to Smallwrold. But when it takes half an hour working template I get this error.Know the cause? 



How long should the Smallworld server offline the workbench  to make it happen?



Thank You

3 replies

Badge +7

I too would like to know the cause of this issue. I see this has never been answered in the almost 3 years this has been posted so Ii fear there may never be an answer :(

Badge +7


I doubt you have any way of testing this since it has been so long but I did have resolution on what caused this in mine. I went to the log files on my pc and found the session of Electric Office (Smallworld) I was running and found that there was a traceback error on a piece of wire annotation. This specific piece of wire annotation did not have a geometry and thus FME ent looking for a lookup table that did not exist which caused the TICS server to shutdown. This caused the Error 8: Lost Connection to Server. Hopefully, if it ever happens to you or anyone else, this may help narrow down the cause.

Badge +7


I doubt you have any way of testing this since it has been so long but I did have resolution on what caused this in mine. I went to the log files on my pc and found the session of Electric Office (Smallworld) I was running and found that there was a traceback error on a piece of wire annotation. This specific piece of wire annotation did not have a geometry and thus FME ent looking for a lookup table that did not exist which caused the TICS server to shutdown. This caused the Error 8: Lost Connection to Server. Hopefully, if it ever happens to you or anyone else, this may help narrow down the cause.



