
Compound Curve problem

  • 15 January 2015
  • 7 replies




I am trying to convert COMPOUNDCURVE to FME_line but the GeometryFilter transformer wont recognize COMPOUNDCURVE as an ARC :( I am managing a PostGIS database and i found a temporary SQL-fix: (



Any ideas? :)




Best regards,



7 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +13


I think you will have to deaggregate the feature first.
Userlevel 2
Badge +17



The GeometryFilter seems to treat a composite curve like the COMPOUNDCURVE as a Line geometry, even if every component is arc.


If you send the feature to Data Inspector, what kind of geometry type is detected?



I have tried using 2DForcer --> Deaggregator --> GeometryValidator --> Intersector and GeometryValidator in an array. GeometryFilter --> GeometryCoercer won't work either. I don't know exactly which object that is failing becaus i generate the PK when i do the DB uppload. I have 1372106 features and 12 Compound Curve ;P
Userlevel 4
Badge +13
I would try the TopologyBuilder > GeometryFilter, any improvement?
Badge +3
As Takashis said, its not a compositon of (solely) arcs. The compound curve will be treated as a fme_line.


So you should see the cc output at the line output of the Geometryfilter.
Ok, this confirms my suspicion about the GeometryFilter :P I will try the TopologyBuilder :)
Badge +3
you could expose the attribute and test on the fme_type.


Look in the navigator wich attribute to expose (or use directly)
