
Converting microstation V7 to V8

  • 1 September 2016
  • 2 replies


Hi again ,

Anybody knows why when I convert a V7 map to V8 map bylevel , don't assign me the attributes , color , style and weigth bylevel ??

I'll explain , I have a input in V7 that I pass for a schemaMapper to assign the feature outputs in function of a values of the input ( the attributs color , style , level and weigth of the input) . In function of this attributes in the input I assign a featureType or other classified by level name , I inform the level code in the feature output and the attributes set_bylevel , set_bycolor and set_byweight ara marqued to yes. Also the parameter Write Tags in the output is set to yes .... but the process inform correctly the name level in V8 but not the attributes bylevel ...

Any idea ???

2 replies

Badge +2

Is it related to setting the feature to ByLevel?


Hi pratap !!! yes I have the same problem that the another day but now the conversion is from v7 to V8 , tha another day was from Arcgis to microstation.

It's solved , if you don't specify atributs in configuration of feature type output put by default the attributes of the input and not override the attributes by level. I have added a attributeremover to delete the attributes , color , weigth and style of the input when has been used , before the last part of translation and it's OK.

For if help to anybody .

Thanks again !!
