
Sort the Matched Output

  • 6 November 2014
  • 3 replies

I have a question about the Matcher output and selecting the desired record to move forward.



Here is the scenario:



Matcher_Matched produces some rows.  Matcher_SingleMatched is populated, but that set is sub-optimal (e.g., an attribute is null compared to that within the other matched row).  I need a way to tailor the single-matched rows so they contain the most valuable rows based on a comparison of the matched rows based on attribute comparison criteria.



So, what is the simplest way to loop through the Matcher_Matched result set in order to pick the desired row from those with the same match_id?






3 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +17
Hi Pete,



Is this simplest?


Sort the Matched features by the criteria, and then pick first features for each match_id group using the DuplicateRemover.



Badge +3
Create a tester with the desired comparison on the "Matched" output.


Or create the comparison and then group the match_id's using a listbuilder on match_id and and select the desired ones.


Or create comprison-attribute, sort and pick first one (if ordering is numberbased). If result is some string and sorting/ordering will not resolve the pick, u need to do some test to select.



Hi and thanks for the suggestions.  I'll try those and see how they work.
