
Extract coord system

  • 7 February 2020
  • 2 replies

Greetings, new to FME. Using UTMZoneDetector transformer on input point KML to extract the <utm.coordsys> attribute, Passing that attribute into a Reprojector <destination coordinate system> being used on a separate line feature class. Problem having is that, internally, a record from KML is being inserted into the table/1st row of the line feature. Input line FC starts with 573 features, after Reprojector 574 records, check in Inspector, and first record in table is ~OGCKML (but check FC in ESRI, still only 573 and successfully re-projected). Anyhow, that first record on the internal FC (if you will) wrecks the workflow later when trying to run a Clipper transformer and first record is a non exist ~OGCKML that reports in the Inside bin and the other 573 records end up in the Outside bin. . . Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

2 replies

BTW--workflow works fine if hard select the Reprojector <destination coordinate system>

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

Hi @jda,

How are you passing the attribute into the Reprojector? For this to work, you will need to use a FeatureMerger to merge the coordsys attribute from the KML feature to the features you want to send to the Reprojector, so that they all have the necessary attribute on them.
