
VectorOnRasterOverlay with overlapping pointcloud

  • 24 October 2013
  • 2 replies

I'm trying to turn a pointcloud into a DEM raster using VectorOnRasterOverlay.  My problem is that some of the points in my pointcloud overlap (in Z), and when creating the raster sometimes only the lower points from the point cloud end up in the DEM.   Obviously it has something to do with the order the points are processed, but I can't find an easy way to fix it.   



Any ideas?

2 replies

For what it's worth I've solved it by using a PointCloudExpressionEvaluator to extract the height of each point, a PointCloudSplitter to splitt the point cloud into 50cm horizontal slices, and finally a sorter to make sure the point clouds get fed into to the VectorOnRaster transformer in the right order.



It works, but doesn't feel very elegant.  Better solutions are gladly accepted
Badge +3
By overlapping in Z i assume they have the same x,y coordinates.


In that case u can use a listbuilder with group by x and y.


Then use listsorter; descending.


 Listindexer to acquire 1st element in list.


Best done after separating the elements with an element greater than 1 using a listelementcounter (more than 1 point on same x,y coordinates) wich saves processing time.
