
SRID 3776 in FME



We are trying to convert data from Oracle Spatial to ESRI/ SQL Spatial format and not sure about setting the coord system. In Oracle, our coord system is defined by SRID 3776, but the geometry does not have the SRID assigned.

FME has 2 coord systems that are very similar (CANA83-3TM114 & 3TM114-83) and, from what I can tell, neither appear to be equated to SRID 3776.

When we load data into ESRI using FME, ESRI does not recognize either of those two FME's coord system (shows as 'custom') no matter which one we use and it sets the coord system SRID to 0 (zero).

We WANT to set the SRID to 3776, so which coord system should we be using? Or what are we doing wrong?

Thanks for any help...

2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

Hi @brucearmstrong,

I would think that setting the coordinate system to EPSG:3776 or 3TM114-83 would work, but FME's Esri WKT definitions for those may be out of date.

If you are using FME 2019, it now includes the EsriReprojector, with no need for ArcGIS on the same computer. You can use the EsriReprojector to reproject from NAD_1983_3TM_114 to NAD_1983_3TM_114. This won't actually do a reprojection, but it will tag the features with the appropriate Esri coordinate system, which will be used by the Geodatabase writer.

If you are using FME 2018 and have ArcGIS installed, you can use the same procedure.


Thanks @daveatsafe!
