
Writing CityGML with custom ADE... I just cannot get it to work.. :(

  • 4 February 2013
  • 0 replies

So.. someone in my team wrote this custom ADE (see all the way below). I also have an example CityGML of how my output should look like. It shouldn't be so hard now to write a proper CityGML, right? Well, I'm getting quite desperate here...



An example: for each building it should add this XML code to the feature:



<bldg:Building gml:id="building_39">


<pan:project name="Test Project"> <pan:scenario name="Scenario 1"> <pan:doubleAttribute name="TestAttribute1"> <gen:value>43.5</gen:value> </pan:doubleAttribute> <pan:intAttribute name="TestAttribute2"> <gen:value>5</gen:value> </pan:intAttribute> </pan:scenario> </pan:project> ... etc. (geometry stuff)


So, a feature can take part in 1~n projects and each project can consist of 1~n scenarios (bold). Each scenario contains 0~n generic attributes (double, string, integer), as shown in italics.


If I add a writer to my workbench for the example CityGML that I have and I specify the custom ADE, I end up with the following attributes:


  • citygml_project{}_name [xml_buffer]
  • citygml_project{}.citygml_scenario{}_name [xml_buffer]
  • TestAttribute1 [xml_buffer]
  • TestAttribute2 [xml_buffer]

It seems to me, that the reader doesn't know that the TestAttributes are children of the project->scenario node. Furthermore, I have never seen a list like "citygml_project{}_name" before and I do not know how to create it with the standard transformers. Creating a "citygml_project{}.name" (mind the dot!) is easy, but this? I tried Python, which works for the project name, but how to write (there's a good example of how to read them) a nested list like citygml_project{}.citygml_scenario{}_name? 


As long as I cannot solve these problems, I cannot use a dynamic writer, it seems to me. And then still I don't even know if the reader has it right...



If no one has a solution for the problem above, there's a plan B, but again.. I'm new to this, so I need a little hint to get me going.


Let's say I just want to write these custom ADE attributes and properties as XML code that I generated myself (by means of Python or a XMLTemplater/Formatter for instance). How should I configure the CityGML writer so I can simply insert my own code directly after the <bldg:Building ...> tag?





Btw, if it is helpful, the relevant code in the ADE XSD looks like this:



<xsd:complexType name="ProjectType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="scenario"    type="ScenarioType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> <xsd:element ref="_GenericProjectProperty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:complexType>   <xsd:element name="project" type="ProjectType" substitutionGroup="core:_GenericApplicationPropertyOfCityObject"/>   <xsd:complexType name="ScenarioType"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element ref="_GenericScenarioProperty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"></xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string"/> </xsd:complexType>   <xsd:element name="_GenericProjectProperty" abstract="true" type="xsd:anyType"/> <xsd:element name="_GenericScenarioProperty" abstract="true" type="xsd:anyType"/> <xsd:element name="_GenericScenarioAttribute" type="gen:AbstractGenericAttributeType" abstract="true" substitutionGroup="_GenericScenarioProperty"/> <xsd:element name="stringAttribute" type="gen:StringAttributeType" substitutionGroup="_GenericScenarioAttribute"/> <xsd:element name="intAttribute"    type="gen:IntAttributeType"    substitutionGroup="_GenericScenarioAttribute"/> <xsd:element name="doubleAttribute" type="gen:DoubleAttributeType" substitutionGroup="_GenericScenarioAttribute"/> <xsd:element name="dateAttribute"   type="gen:DateAttributeType"   substitutionGroup="_GenericScenarioAttribute"/>

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