
Add bounds in projection definition

  • 22 September 2014
  • 4 replies




I wonder if it's possible to add some bounds to a projection definition in FME in order to set the bounds automatically when the projection is selected.



Thank you for your help!

4 replies

Yes, I'm also interested. Is there anyone answer this?

Badge +2

@burton449 If features fall outside the bounds or straddle the bounds what would you expect outcome to be?


Hi @burton449

are you talking about MapInfo projection definitions by any chance?

Hi @burton449

are you talking about MapInfo projection definitions by any chance?

Yes, it is about MapInfo. For example, the output projection has been set as MGA GDA 94 [EPSG: 28355] in FME, which is the same projection required. But the table coordinate System Bounds need to be reset in MapInfo.

I'm wondering is there a transform in FME to set bounds and process automatically.
