
Autodesk Revit Reader - Missing Attributes and Geometries



I'm using the new Autodesk Revit Reader to import a Revit model. It imports all the objects, but a lot of the used attributes are missing. Also some of the objects, mainly objects of the Architectural.GenericModels have no geometry (which should be solids). I already tried to expose the missing attributes, but I had no luck doing this. Are their any options to get the missing attributes and geometries or do I have to wait for a more developed version of the Autodesk Revit reader?

Thank you in Advance!

3 replies

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If your looking to make a connection with JDBC Reader and you need to specify JAVA_OPTS you can do the following:


1) ADD a new multi-parameter System Environment Variable called JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS and specify your paramters.

JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS =\folder\some.config -Djava=anothervalue


2) Restart FME



Hi @ahotschek,

For the geometries, have you tried reading the Geometry as both surfaces and wireframes? Are you still not getting the geometry you would like.

Our team is still actively developing the native Revit reader and adding support for more attributes and geometries. To help us, would you be able to share a sample file with us and highlight the geometries and attributes you are not getting/would like to read?

- Andrea

Hey @andreaatsafe,

thank you for your respond. I tried both options for the geometry import. When using wireframes, all the objects of Architectural.GenericModels have a geometry, but they are only line_typs and no solids. Is it possible to create solids from the lines?

Unfortunately I can't share some sample files with you, because I'm not allowed to do that.



Hey @andreaatsafe,

I downloaded the newest Beta of FME. Luckily now the Geometry isn't a problem any more. As far as I checked, also the generic Objects have geometries.

But there's still the Problem with the missing attribute. I can give you a sample file, which I attached. For example the objects of the Family DB_Sitzbank_Standard_1x3_mit_Gruendung have a lot of attributes, that are not shown, like Kennkostenwert or QKZ Ist. Is there already a possibility to get these attribute?

(you could also download it from:

