
Compare multiple fields after a spatial filter


I'm looking to compare the difference between multiple columns that is resulting from a feature merger.

example :


I need to identify each difference and export them to a report. The problem I have is that another validation of the same benchmark might have too 8 columns to compared.

Thanks for your help

3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +21

Are you not better to skip the featuremerge and use a matcher or a change detector to identify differences?


Sorry I mean a spatial filter not a featureMerger. I tried the change and update dectetor and I did not get the expected result.

I was more looking for a python loop ?


If this is just about identifying the features where the attributes are not equal to each other, you should try to use the matcher (or multiple matcher in a sequence).



Notice that the matcher uses regex to compare attributes.When you compare multiple attributes at the same time, they are all concatenated and compared. So, if only 1 of many attributes are different, it will not match.
