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Hi Everyone, 

I am working on a project for school and am reading in CAD data and outputting it as GIS data. However, the File Geodatabase writer is not outputting any features. I am setting it up how I’ve always done it in the past, but it is not creating the GDB where specified as the translation log says no features are being written. I have no clue on why this is happening nor how to fix it, so any help would be appreciated. 

Thank you in advance.

Hi lcaruthers, 

For starters, how are you reading the CAD data? For example with DWG you can group entities by 

Have you inspected the features prior to the Writer feature type for the file GDB. Placing a GeometryFilter for point, line or polygon can be very helpful in matching the geometry to the corresponding output featureclass, geodb_point vs geodb_line…. etc. refer to the Running and Inspecting Part of a Workspace… you will use the partial run to the transformer before the writer. Inspect this and use the Feature Information window to check that the CAD information

Every Writer Feature Type dialog contains a User Attributes tab. Attributes can be defined in three ways: Automatic, Manual, or Dynamic.
